Everything You Need to Know About the Block of Cheese in Dota 2

Everything You Need to Know About the Block of Cheese in Dota 2


  • Obtaining the Dota 2 Block of Cheese requires collecting and combining 18 Lotuses into three Greater Healing Lotuses and then killing Roshan on his second death
  • The item is exceptionally beneficial for heroes like Tinker and Slark due to its shield and regeneration properties
  • In competitive play, the Block of Cheese provides strategic advantages for sieging and maintaining sustainability despite taking up a valuable item slot

Obtaining the Block of Cheese

Collecting Lotus Pools

One of the first steps to securing the Dota 2 Block of Cheese involves the collection of Lotus Pools. These pools are strategically located on the left and right sides of the map. Once channeled, each pool drops a Lotus that grants you 125 mana and HP. These drops are essential for the initial phase of your quest.

Combining the Lotuses

Next, you’ll need to combine the Lotuses. By merging three Lotuses, you can create a Great Healing Lotus, which provides 400 Health and Mana. Do this twice and you’ll obtain a Greater Healing Lotus, with each granting 900 Health and Mana. This step is crucial for progressing towards the Block of Cheese.

Getting Three Greater Healing Lotuses

To eventually combine them into the Dota 2 Block of Cheese, you’ll need three Greater Healing Lotuses. This equates to collecting a total of 18 Lotuses. Given that each Lotus spawns every three minutes, securing the necessary amount will take at least 27 minutes if you’ve been efficiently gathering from both pools. Patience and timing are key here.

Killing Roshan for Cheese

Once you have your three Greater Healing Lotuses, the next critical step is killing Roshan on his second death to get the Cheese. This change was specifically introduced in Patch 7.33, so make sure you’re aware of this update. Combining the Roshan Cheese with your Lotuses is what finally gets you the Dota 2 Block of Cheese.

Using the Block of Cheese

Heroes that Utilize the Block of Cheese Well

Tinker benefits immensely from the Dota 2 Block of Cheese due to his need for extended positioning during team fights. This item synergizes well with Tinker’s rearm ability, allowing him to sustain his high mana cost spells. What’s more, the permanent shield safeguards Tinker from bursts of damage, giving him the durability to outlast even the most intense confrontations.

For high-agility heroes like Slark, the Dota 2 Block of Cheese offers the perfect blend of defense and regeneration. As an in-and-out hero, Slark can capitalize on the shield’s durability while poking and retreating. Frequently diving in and out of fights, Slark finds the extended fights much easier to handle with this item, turning potentially dangerous engagements into manageable skirmishes.

Synergy with Blink Heroes

Heroes equipped with both a blink and the Dota 2 Block of Cheese become exceedingly difficult to pin down. The item’s shield and regeneration enhance the evasive nature of blink abilities. Consider heroes like Anti-Mage or Queen of Pain; not only can they blink to safety, but the shield from the Block of Cheese also gives them the added layer of protection, making them a nightmare to control.

These blink heroes often utilize shields inherently, which makes the Dota 2 Block of Cheese a natural fit. The added survivability lets them take more risks and engage in plays that require quick getaways. Imagine a Templar Assassin blinking in with meld strike; the block of cheese ensures she remains robust even when surrounded by enemy heroes.

Competitive Scenario

In competitive play, the strategic value of the Dota 2 Block of Cheese can’t be overstated. When a team has map control but struggles to break high ground, this item can be a game-changer. Its shield and regeneration properties offer the durability needed for tanking tower hits and enemy spells. Implementing it at the right moment often leads to successful sieges, turning the tide in a match.

The decision to use the Dota 2 Block of Cheese, however, involves a significant item slot trade-off. Giving up greater healing lotuses can feel like a steep price, but in late-game scenarios, the cheese offers unparalleled sustainability. Savvy captains will time their team’s movements to capitalize on the block of cheese, knowing full well it can be the key to securing victory.

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